Friday, March 4, 2011

too sweet to be true

Welcome to l.a.f.b.! Here we are joining the blogging world and taking a small bite into this sweet business venture. My best friend and I have joined forces to create your love at first bite.
With the common love for sweets combined with our creativity, we give you these decadent delights!

Valentine's delights

Turtle cheesecake balls

Spring collection

Tiffany Blue and Honeydew Green

Lavender drizzle

Shades of aquamarine
Character balls
Toy Story Aliens
Easter bunnies

These are just a few of cakeballs we've created this year and had a chance to snap pictures of..
In this blog you will read mainly posts narrated by me, "Delight" (Annie) and I will refer to Lily as "Decadent". I know its a lil cheesy.. but hey it's a blog.. its fun to have aliases! Occassionally, Decadent will post blogs as well.. when she gains access..
Behind the scenes:
We both bake, ball, and bedazzle them
I like to dip, I think I'm getting close to becoming a professional, JK!
Decadent is the main drizzler and writer (you do not want me writing, trust me) she has alot of patience and pretty handwriting
And we both love creating character balls, mostly your requests. This part allows us to truly show our creative side!
We both really compliment eachother when working together.. Decadent is super efficient, and me, I'm not really sure.. I execute a plan for our orders? (more like miss bossy) well whatever it is, I think we really do work well together. I'm lucky to have her as a partner!

Thanks for visiting!
l.a.f.b.- Delight


  1. I have only had one of these amazing treats -- a red velvet cake ball. Absolutely to die for! The first won't be the last!

  2. we're glad you enjoyed them Michelle! we'll throw in some extra cakeballs when you place your order just for commenting our blog! thanks for stopping by! -Delight
